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Aviso de vacaciones del Festival del Bote del Dragón 2023

hora: Jun 20, 2023

Aviso de vacaciones del Festival del Bote del Dragón 2023


Fiesta del Festival del Bote del Dragón

A medida que se acerca el Festival del Bote del Dragón, o el Festival Duanwu, nos gustaría informarle que nuestra empresa tendrá vacaciones del 22 al 24 de junio de 2023. El trabajo se reanudará el 25 de junio de 2023.


Costumbres del Dragon Boat Festival en China

El Festival del Bote del Dragón, también conocido como el Festival Duanwu, es una fiesta tradicional china que se celebra el quinto día del quinto mes lunar. Uno de los eventos más significativos de este festival es la carrera de botes dragón, un emocionante deporte que existe desde hace más de 2000 años. 

Another important custom during the Dragon Boat Festival is the consumption of Zongzi, a traditional delicacy made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves and filled with different fillings, such as pork, mushrooms, or red bean paste. The preparation of Zongzi usually involves the whole family, and different regions of China have unique styles and flavors.

Additionally, people often decorate their homes with calamus and wormwood leaves, believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and disease. There is also the practice of hanging aromatic sachets and wearing various types of amulets to protect oneself from harm.

Finally, the Dragon Boat Festival is also associated with the legend of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who drowned himself in the river after being exiled by the court during the Warring States period. In order to prevent fish and evil spirits from harming his body, people paddled their boats to the river in an attempt to retrieve his body and threw Zongzi into the water as a sacrificial offering. In modern times, Qu Yuan is revered as a cultural hero and poet, and people commemorate his life and legacy through various literary and artistic activities.


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