Engine filters supplier

1624161613 Elemento filtrante coalescente SI43403

  • referencia cruzada::

    Atlas Copco 1624.1616.13 1624.1616.13MBM Hifi SI43403
  • Número de pieza OEM::

  • marca::

    AYREST/Authorized Brand
  • Cantidad mínima de pedido::

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Do 1624161613 coalescing filter element affect the air volume of compressors?

Yes, coalescing filter elements can affect the air volume of compressors. Coalescing filters are designed to remove small liquid droplets and solid particles from compressed air systems. While they can improve the quality of compressed air, they can also restrict the airflow through the system, which can reduce the air volume output of the compressor.

The extent to which the coalescing filter element affects the air volume of compressors depends on the size of the filter element, the quality of the compressed air, and the flow rate of the compressed air system. In general, a coalescing filter element with a smaller micron rating will provide better filtration, but may also cause a greater pressure drop, which will reduce the air volume output of the compressor.

Para mantener una salida de volumen de aire alta, es importante seleccionar el elemento de filtro coalescente adecuado en función de los requisitos específicos del sistema de aire comprimido. También es importante monitorear regularmente el estado del elemento del filtro y reemplazarlo cuando se obstruya o se ensucie. Esto asegurará que el filtro funcione con una eficiencia óptima y minimice cualquier impacto negativo en la salida de volumen de aire del compresor.


1624161613 Número de pieza alternativo OEM:

Atlas Copco 1624.1616.13 1624.1616.13MBM

Alta fidelidad SI43403



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